When should you drive during a snowstorm? We are preparing for a massive snowstorm in the northeast! Driving during a blizzard or heavy snowstorm is dangerous for many reasons — black ice, low visibility, and carbon monoxide leaks being just a few. Sometimes it’s necessary although not recommended that you leave your home in treacherous […]
Right now in the Northeast we are experiencing an incredible cold snap where temperatures in the negative teens! This is quite the arctic chill. Want to learn more about cold weather driving, take our online class. Did you know that your car suffers in the extreme cold weather as well. Cars are effected by this arctic […]
Climate changes don’t just affect you they also affect your car! You wouldn’t go outside without your coat so don’t expect your car to perform without being ready for winter either! Here are some tips on how to winterize your car! Engine Oil in the Winter The oil in your engine changes depending on how […]
148.7 million Americans will journey 50 miles or more from home this Thanksgiving, an increase of one million travelers compared with last year. This represents a 1.9 percent increase over 2015, and the most Thanksgiving travelers since 2007. The Thanksgiving holiday travel period is defined as Wednesday, Nov. 23, to Sunday, Nov. 27. Want to […]
The autumn is upon us and leaves are everywhere, here in NY we have even had our first snow! With shorter days, cooler temperatures and inclement weather, now is a good time to get your car ready for the demands of the coming driving season. Although some seasonal car maintenance will require the assistance of […]
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