Well the end of summer is upon us again and that means it’s Labor Day Weekend this 3 day weekend. For most that means BBQ’s and end of summer parties. It also means TRAVEL! Did you know that this is one of the highest traffic fatality weekends of the year!

Want to learn more about it take our online class.
We all get sad when it’s the end of summer but that means it’s a busy busy weekend for the roads and the skies!
It us estimated that there will be 405 fatalities this weekend in the USA. This number heads higher and higher every year with more and more people taking to the roads. Unfortunately with BBQ’s comes drinking most of the time and some people make the poor decisions to drink and drive. We at DDD have put together a list of some ways you can help not be in that number! And here they are NOT in order of importance!
2) Create a distraction free zone for the driver: put your cell phone in the glove compartment on silent where it won’t be a distraction
3) Make sure all children are in the PROPER car seat for the age/weight/height
4) Don’t Drive Tired: canaltaronja.cat Don’t fight your circadian rhythm, drive during the day as much as possible
5) SLOW DOWN SPEED KILLS: really speeding won’t mymedic.es get you there much faster it may just get you a ticket, points or WORSE!
6) Wear your seat belt. It is estimated that 148 people may survive collisions this weekend because they will have worn safety belts.
7) Drive Defensively
8) Be Alert
9) If you do drink arrange for a taxi or a designated driver
10) Avoid Road Rage!!!
So enjoy the holiday and as always, DRIVE SAFE!