Kim Kardashian decided to post a picture of her adorable son, Saint West, in his car seat….the only problem is he is front facing when he should be REAR FACING! The internet is not a forgiving place and this has been the story of Kim Kardashian Car Seat Shame.

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When she posted the picture on Face Book I don’t think she expected the backlash. The internet exploded with criticism at Kardashian for “putting her child at risk”.   Concerns have also risen because the law in California, where Kardashian resides, states that children have to be rear facing until age 2 unless children who are under 2 years old and weigh more than 40 pounds or are taller than 40 inches, this is rarely the case.

“He should really still be rear-facing,” one woman commented on Facebook.

“He’s very cute, but it would be safer for him to be back-facing in his seat,” another wrote, and yet another said

‘It’s illegal to have a child facing forward in California that is less than 2 years old. Please turn his car seat around, it’s not too late!’

Saint is only 18 months old.  The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children stay in rear facing car seats until age 2.  Celebrities are not the only ones who’ve dealt with this issue. Studies have shown that as many as 95 percent of families install their newborns’ car seats incorrectly and almost 75 percent of parents face their children’s car seats the wrong way.

More and more states are adopting the new car seat law or rear facing until 2 years old.  Studies show that children are much safer when they are rear facing.  Stay tuned to this blog spot for more info on car seats and child safety and as always, DRIVE SAFE!

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