Road rage doesn’t just happen on the road. It can happen in parking lots too! I’ve decided to call this parking lot rage. It can happen for various reasons, can’t find a spot, pedestrians walking out in front of cars without looking, people driving too fast, 2 people thinking they both have “dibs” on a spot. Whatever the reason it’s dangerous and can result in a crime.

The picture of the assailants car
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Here’s a little story for you, first hand!
I was putting my 3 1/2 year old into her car seat. We had just finished shopping. My door was ajar and I was just doing up her harness. Just then a silver Volvo came racing into the spot next to us. I could hear his side sensors beeping from inside his car alerting him that he was close to hitting something. He opened his door and said “Close your door so I can get out”. Now normally I have no problem closing my door a bit so someone else can get out and most people don’t park as close to me as he did. I calmly said , ” Wait a minute please, I’m almost done”. He then proceeded to say “Fine I’ll close it for you!”.
That’s when things got out of control! He stormed out of his car, put his hands on my door and proceeded to force it closed on me. Now I’m not one to take these things lightly so I said “Oh I DON’T THINK SO” and shoved the door back. Then he pushed harder jamming me knee. I moved aside, and closed the door to shield my daughter from this maniac.
At this point I had been ASSAULTED!
I yelled “WOW REALLY!” All of a sudden he came charging back towards me and my car. He took out his phone and proceeded to take a picture of my plate claiming he thought I would do “something” to his car. I informed him that I wasn’t the one touching other people’s property and I snapped a picture of his plate. He disappeared into the grocery store.
I called the police. By the time I got them on the phone he hurriedly came out of the store, with nothing, jumped into his car and sped out of the parking lot. I gave the make and model to the cops along with his plate number. At this point I was shaking from adrenaline. I got back in my car and talked to my little girl. She had the best line of the day, “Mommy, I’m very disappointed in the scary man. He wasn’t nice at all. He made bad choices!”
When the police arrived they asked how I wanted to proceed and asked if i was injured. My leg is fine. As a result of his behavior the officer said he would just go speak to the guy and inform him that he can’t behave this way!
I will never know why this guy was acting like this. In the long run behavior like this is dangerous. In the long run if he continues this type of behavior he will end up arrested. He committed a crime! Stay tuned to this blog spot for more info on emotions and driving. As always, DRIVE SAFE!