March 17th is almost upon us again. According to legend, St. Patrick banished the snakes from Ireland. This St. Patrick’s Day, you can do an even greater service by helping banish drunk driving from our roads.
It’s that time of year where everyone is Irish! We eat corn beef and cabbage, wear green and drink green beer: St. Patrick’s Day! Let the fun and festivities begin! Who doesn’t love a great St. Patrick’s Day parade or party. If your favorite color is green you are good to go! HOWEVER, this traditionally boozy day is also a very dangerous one when it comes to drinking and driving.
Want to learn more about the dangers of drinking and driving? Then take our online class. If you are from out of state try one of these classes
This year St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Saturday! Saturday is the most popular day of the week for drinking and driving. Because of this double whammy the cops will be out in force! 80% of alcohol-related accidents on St. Patrick’s Day involved drivers who had blood-alcohol levels nearly twice the legal limit.
Every year, without fail, roughly one-third of deaths in motor vehicle crashes are due to someone making the selfish and often deadly choice to drink and drive. It happens despite the fact that it is illegal everywhere in America to drive with a blood alcohol concentration of .08 or higher—and that an arrest for drunk driving could cost you as much as $10,000 in attorney fees, court costs and other expenses.
These facts make clear that the luck of the Irish won’t get you home unharmed if you get behind the wheel after drinking. So be honest with yourself. If you are attending a party that involves alcohol—even if you don’t plan to drink—your safest plan is to plan not to drive. When you find yourself in a situation where you have had too much to drink, call a cab!
So make sure you have a designated driver, call a cab or stay sober! Stay tuned to this blog spot and as always, DRIVE SAFE!