So far this summer there have been 26 kids left in cars that have died and summer isn’t over! It has been incredibly hot in the northeast so far this summer we have been having a heat wave. Leaving a child in a car is incredibly dangerous and potentially fatal. Want to learn more about child safety in cars, take our online class.
Did you know that the inside of a car can get hot enough to bake a pizza! At 70 degrees on a sunny day, after a half hour, the temperature inside a car is 104 degrees. After an hour, it can reach 113 degrees. When temperatures outside range from 80 degrees to 100 degrees, the temperature inside a car parked in direct sunlight can quickly climb to between 130 to 172.
There have been so many horror stories of people leaving their babies and pets in the car thinking they would only be gone for a few minutes to come back to an emergent situation and sometimes too late! On average, 38 children will die of heatstroke each year due to being inside of a hot car.
The Data doesn’t lie!
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2017: 26
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2016: 39
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2015: 25
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2014: 32
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2013: 44
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2012: 35
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2011: 33
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths for 2010: 49
- Child vehicular heatstroke deaths 1990- 2016: 793
- Average #of deaths per year since 1998: 37 (one every 9 days)
- Highest # of fatalities for a one-year time period – 2010: 49
When you see a child trapped in a hot car call 911 immediately and break the car window farthest from the child so that they will not be harmed by shattering glass.
* Select the door window furthest from the baby.
* Use a hard object such as a tire iron, wrench, or can of food (whatever is available) to break the window.
* Choose a point in the window just above the door lock in case all you can do is make a hole.
* It will be much harder to break than you expect but keep trying.
* Hitting the window with the edge or pointy part of whatever object you are using may help to get the break started.
* Wrap your sleeve or other cloth item around your hand and push into the hole you’ve created.
* Reach in and unlock the door.
* Get the infant out, car seat and all, and into the shade.
Your states Good Samaritan Laws should cover you, but really do we even have a choice when it comes to someone’s personal property or DEATH?!?!
Think for a second how hot your car is when you first get in it after being in the store for even 10 minutes, now hwy would you leave a pet or a child to suffer and die in that heat!? Please please PLEASE be mindful of who you have in your car and remember not to leave anyone behind. Stay tuned to this blog spot for more info! As always, DRIVE SAFE!