Blog Archives

Taking Safe Otheries

Last time I told you about the concept of the otherie and in thinking about it, still a bad idea! In New Zealand however they have figured out a way to get great otheries, the dash board cam! Please enjoy this playlist of some beautiful scenery that no one crashed for! So if you really […]

Selfies While Driving Videos

Recently I told you why taking selfies while driving is a horrible idea, well I put together a YouTube playlist to better illustrate my point. Get your pop corn and please enjoy So my friends no taking selfies while driving!!! As always DRIVE SAFE!!!


I’ve decided if taking a picture of yourself is a “selfie” then taking a picture of anything else is an “otherie”. Stay with me here for a minute…..Last time I talked about people taking selfies while driving and how dangerous that is, but what about the people who decide they just need to snap a […]

Selfies While Driving

The other day I was driving in my town and I saw a car full of women all taking pictures of themselves including the driver! I understand that in today’s social media world that people want to document everything but I really couldn’t understand why they were taking pictures of themselves and each other. The […]

Eating While Driving!

The other night I had just got the baby settled and decided to have a cup of tea. I had just poured it and was about to drink it when it slipped out of my hand and landed in my lap! I screamed, scarring the baby and waited for a ride to the hospital to […]

Distracted Driving Awarness Month

April kicks off Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Nationwide police are out in force cracking down on distracted driving. Please enjoy this YouTube playlist of info about distracted driving. Also take our online class to find out more about the perils of distracted driving. As always DRIVE SAFE!!

Crackdown On Distracted Driving

In Westchester, NY police are cracking-down on distracted driving. From Friday and lasting through Wednesday, April 15 as part of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month they will be out in force making the roads safer and aggressively handing out tickets to those breaking the law during Operation Hang Up. Distracted driving offenses included talking on […]

Drunk Driving vs. Distracted Driving

Let’s face facts both drunk driving and distracted driving cause accidents, injury and death but which is the lesser or two evils……NEITHER! Drivers who are texting while behind the wheel have a 23% higher chance of causing a crash. That is equivalent to downing four beers and then getting behind the wheel. It’s not a […]

Distracted Driving: The Cognitive Side

A recent study by AAA and The University of Utah shows that hands free technology isn’t necessarily make driving any safer. With the new hands free technology we can text, talk, email, tweet and change the radio station hands free but these advances may avtually be making the process of getting from here to there […]

New Texting & Driving Law In New York

New York’s texting while driving laws are some of the toughest in the country and they are going to get tougher! The new law, which goes into effect Nov. 1, strengthens penalties against teenage and new drivers. Many young drivers, when they get their permit or license, can’t wait to drive. According to the Centers […]

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