Halloween is right around the corner and most people have their costume planned but have you given any thought to what your car will be?
Never fear I’m here with some cute ideas of how you can dress up your car and get things into the festive spirit! We can find the perfect costume for your car!
Here are some costume ideas for your car that are sweet and some a little scary!
Orange is an extremely popular color this year! So if you have an orange car why not make it a happy jack-o-lantern! Also if you have a teal car that could work too especially with the teal pumpkin project going on.
Maybe you are more the type for something a little scary. If your car is red or black why not be a vampire! All you need is a set of white teeth and you are good to go!
Maybe you would prefer a silly family favorite for your vehicle. How about Tow Mater from Cars! This is sure to be a crowd pleaser.
Let’s talk about a costume for the all important trunk or treat!
Every year we take the kids to multiple trunk or treats in our area and they love them! It is a super safe, family friendly way to go trick or treating in a controlled environment.
If you are planning on getting involved in any trunk or treats here are some cute ideas that are bound to have kids giggling and screaming!
This is bound to make kids giggle and squeal when they have to put their hands in that things mouth to get a treat!
This one is just funny and makes me think of the trips to the doctor for the post candy binge tummy ache! Say AHHHHHWhy not just be candy in an addictive app!
You can always have your car be a functional and fun part of your costume! This works for both trunk or treat and car costume!
Whatever costume you decide have fun!
Remember Halloween is about kids, candy, fun, and some scares! Stay tuned to this blog spot for an upcoming blog on Halloween driving safety. Want to learn more about safe driving…..take our online class. Remember to have fun, as always DRIVE SAFE!