Weather you are a Patriots or Eagles fan be careful driving! This years Super Bowl certainly won’t disappoint with it’s array of commercials, parties and adorable puppies. But lets not forget that it is one of the deadliest days of the year for DUI crashes. It is never cool to Drink and Drive. If you […]
Right now in the Northeast we are experiencing an incredible cold snap where temperatures in the negative teens! This is quite the arctic chill. Want to learn more about cold weather driving, take our online class. Did you know that your car suffers in the extreme cold weather as well. Cars are effected by this arctic […]
The odds of getting into a driving accident increase during periods when there are more cars on the road, or when driving conditions are less than optimal. But when the number of alcohol impaired drivers increases, the odds skyrocket. Want to learn more about impaired driving take our class. New Years Eve 2018 is almost […]
The days just before Christmas, as people rush to buy presents and travel to holiday destinations, can be more dangerous on roadways than the days surrounding Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Want to learn more about safe driving around the holidays, take our online class Here are some tips to avoid a Holiday Tragedy! 1) NEVER […]
Thanksgiving, that time of year when millions of Americans hit the road to see family and eat turkey! The 2017 Thanksgiving holiday weekend will see the highest Thanksgiving travel volume since 2005 . It’s projected that 50.9 million Americans will journey 50 miles or more away from home this Thanksgiving, a 3.3 percent increase over […]
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