Blog Archives

It’s Deer Season And It Can Lead To A Crash

Have you ever been driving and a deer jumps right out in front of you crossing the road? Well it’s deer season and this can happen more and more. When is Deer Season? Some people think that deer season ends in the spring. However it’s getting chilly and that brings them out. The weather is […]

End Of Summer is here Labor Day Weekend!

Well the end of summer is upon us again and that means it’s Labor Day Weekend this 3 day weekend. For most that means BBQ’s and end of summer parties. It also means TRAVEL! Did you know that this is one of the highest traffic fatality weekends of the year! Want to learn more about […]

Riding The White Line

Have you ever been on the highway just driving along when *WHOOSH* down the white line comes a motorcycle? This is called white lining and it is ILLEGAL in NY and most other states. ‘ I was driving to PA last week and saw them on the white line multiple times. I was telling a […]

Driving During A Snowstorm: DON’T!

When should you drive during a snowstorm? We are preparing for a massive snowstorm in the northeast! Driving during a blizzard or heavy snowstorm is dangerous for many reasons — black ice, low visibility, and carbon monoxide leaks being just a few. Sometimes it’s necessary although not recommended that you leave your home in treacherous […]

Stopping For The School Bus Isn’t Optional!

In the last 3 days 5 children are dead because people aren’t stopping for the school bus! When a school bus is stopped with its stop sign arm extended all cars are supposed to stop.  People have been passing school buses and injuring and killing children. Stopping for the school bus isn’t optional! Want to […]

School Time! Drive Carefully

It’s September and it’s School Time! Today is the 1st day of School for many. That means it’s School Time for many kids! There are  plenty of school buses out on the road. Did you know that it is ILLEGAL to pass a stopped school bus. Want to learn more about the rules, take our […]

Tank top on motorcycle

Motorcycle Riding in the Summer

It’s that time of year again, the sun is out and it is HOT. Yesterday I stopped at a light and  I noticed the couple in front of me on a motorcycle.  They had on helmets which is great for protecting your head. However, there are other parts of your body at risk if you […]

School Is Open Drive Carefully

It’s September and School is open! Today is the 1st day of School for many. That means there are  plenty of school buses out on the road. Did you know that it is ILLEGAL to pass a stopped school bus. Want to learn more about the rules, take our online class. Passing a stopped school […]

Labor Day Weekend 2017

This Labor Day Weekend 2017 is shaping up to be one of the busiest on the roads.  We can look forward to soul-crushing traffic, as the kids scream murder in the back seat. Last year saw records broken when it came to cars on the road and they are expecting the same this year. More […]

Riding A Motorcycle, Wear a Helmet!

I was driving the other day in a state with relaxed helmet laws. I saw a motorcyclist in a tank top, shorts, and NO HELMET!  I thought to myself wow that guy really doesn’t want to live. Want to learn more about safety laws, take our online class. I’ve been on a motorcycle before and […]

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